United States: A new study shows that eating a healthy diet with multiple whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can ultimately reduce the risk of dementia by almost 31 percent. This is especially true compared to eating red and processed meats, sugary cereals, sodas, fries, and ice cream.
The benefit is also important for people who already have health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke, according to Abigail Dove, the study’s lead author.
“Following an anti-inflammatory diet was related to lower risk of dementia, even among people with cardiometabolic diseases who are already at elevated risk of dementia,” said Dove, a doctoral student at the Aging Research Center at Karolinska Institute in Solna, Sweden, in an email.

As reported by CNN, also in fact the people who are living with type two diabetes, stroke or the heart disease who almost ate the most anti-inflammatory foods and inflammatory foods and developed dementia and after the period of two years later than those with cardiometabolic disease and a pro-inflammatory diet.
Benefits for Brain Health
However, the brain works with the those who followed the anti-inflammatory diet an also showed significantly lowers the levels fo the brain and biomarkers of neurodegeneration and vascular injury.
Even though the study is observational and cannot show cause and effect, the findings reflect existing research that shows a link between dietary inflammation and brain health, said Dr. David Katz, a specialist in preventive and common lifestyle medicine who was basically not involved in the study, via email.

“It is highly likely that a higher quality, less inflammatory diet directly impacts multiple pathways related to brain and neurocognitive health over time,” said Katz, the founder of the nonprofit True health Initiative which is a global coalition of experts dedicated to evidence-based lifestyle medicine.
Unclear Mechanisms and Risks
The proper biological ways that food impact the inflammatory pathways is not yet fully understood and these health experts believe the reliance on sugary and ultra processed foods and the abundance of the saturated fats from the red and processed meats which is really very common in the western diet and along with the pollution and also cigarette smoke and radiation, plastics and pesticides which may lead to the increased to the activation of the free radical in the body.
Also, according to this study there are some people who ate the higher levels of the red and processed meats and such as bacon and the sausage as well as sugary ultra processed foods had a 28% more higher risk of stroke and a 46 percent risk of being affected with any king of heart disease.