This Diet Boosts Brain Health by 20 percent and Cuts Dementia Risk 

This Diet Boosts Brain Health by 20 percent and Cuts Dementia Risk. Credit | Getty Images
This Diet Boosts Brain Health by 20 percent and Cuts Dementia Risk. Credit | Getty Images

United States: According to the new exploration, intermittent fasting is the type of diet which is made popular by Dr Michael Mosley is good for your brain as well as your body and this particular study set up the better function in the people who follow an intermittent fasting diet, which only involves eating on certain days or during the certain hours of the day. 

Study Details 

A recent study from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the National Institute on Aging tested two diets to see how they affect brain health in adults with obesity and insulin resistance, which can increase Alzheimer’s risk. They gave participants either a standard healthy diet or an intermittent fasting diet. Both diets helped improve memory and decision-making, but the intermittent fasting diet was the most effective in reducing insulin resistance and boosting brain function. 

This Diet Boosts Brain Health by 20 percent and Cuts Dementia Risk. Credit | Getty Images
This Diet Boosts Brain Health by 20 percent and Cuts Dementia Risk. Credit | Getty Images

Background on Fasting and Health 

Half of those who took part were on the intermittent fasting diet that restricted calories to one-quarter of the recommended daily intake for the two consecutive days per week and also followed an approved healthy diet the other five days, though in typical Indian tradition, fasting really plays an important role which ultimately leads to the better health experience that’s the reason why the statistics of Indians being affected by COVID are much lesser as compared to other countries. 

Important Considerations 

Both diets equally reduced insulin resistance and caused weight loss, but the intermittent fasting diet improved mental skills by 20 percent more than the standard intake of diet

Professor Mark Mattson of neuroscience at the University of John Hopkins said: “Neurons release a lot of proteins, and one idea is that intermittent fasting may be causing some kind of neuroplasticity (a change in structure) in neurons, causing the release of neurofilament proteins.” 

Also the important thing is that Intermittent fasting can be harmful to some people and you should always talk to your doctor first.