United States: A new study shows that eating a healthy diet with multiple whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can ultimately reduce the risk of dementia by almost 31 percent. This is especially true compared to eating red and processed meats, ...

United States: A new study at the University of Pennsylvania looked at 389 people with Parkinson’s disease, who were about 69 years old on average. They had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s around six years before joining the study.   As reported ...

United States: A new study suggests that the increasing wildfires linked to climate change could negatively impact future brain health.   Researchers reported at the Alzheimer’s Association annual meeting in Philadelphia that smoke from wildfires might increase the risk of dementia ...

United States: Study shows that the Hormone therapy or can say this is a remedy for the breast cancer which could lower a woman’s risk of having dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in the very later stages of life and this ...

United States: According to the new exploration, intermittent fasting is the type of diet which is made popular by Dr Michael Mosley is good for your brain as well as your body and this particular study set up the better ...